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Written by two leading practitioners, this comprehesive and practical guide to the law of higher education in the UK provides extensive analysis of the complex legal framework in which universities work and the remedies which may be sought in the event of disputes. The Law of Higher Education has been fully updated to take account of the many legislative changes which have come into force since the publication of the first edition in 2006. The impact of new charity law; changes in governance structures; developments in the law of employment; academic freedom issues; and the increasing presence of academies and other private Higher Education Institutions are all dealt with in detail, with reference to and analysis of the relevent case law throughout. Although focussing on UK laws, the new edition includes expanded material on the international context, which has become particularly important as institutions are increasingly involved in international exchanges and collaborations, as well as being subject to the increasing globalisation of higher education. The text is linked to the updating service on the Oxford Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies website, ensuring that readers are kept up-to-date with developments, even after publication.
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Two new titles that provide comprehensive coverage of the syllabus. Units 1 and 2 of Biology for CAPE (R) Examinations provide a comprehensive coverage of the CAPE (R) Biology syllabus. Written by highly experienced, internationally bestselling authors Mary and Geoff Jones and CAPE (R) Biology teacher and examiner Myda Ramesar, both books are in full colour and written in an accessible style. Learning objectives are presented at the beginning of each chapter, and to assist students preparing for the examination, each chapter is followed by questions in the style they will encounter on their examination papers.
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Are you looking for a fresh, innovative approach to accounting that will engage your students and truly bring the subject to life? Then meet Sam Smart. In chapter one we meet Sam as he is setting up his own business and looking at the financial information needed when starting to trade. We then follow him through the textbook as the business grows to a multinational manufacturing and retailing company. We learn with Sam how to assess the success of his business, finance day to day activities, make pricing decisions, invest in product launches and new distribution channels, and control an expanding business. Developed specifically with non-specialist students in mind, and tested and reviewed by business students, this is the perfect textbook for your introductory accounting module. Covering all the core topics found on a typical introductory accounting module, this fully integrated case study will give students the confidence they need to successfully approach their course and exams. Combined with the wealth of additional examples and self-test exercises available, students will not only develop an appreciation of how accounting information allows a manager to make key business decisions, but they will also acquire the skills necessary to enable them to converse with accountants, and challenge their assumptions and methodologies. Through the provision of integrated PowerPoint slides, a comprehensive question pack and a detailed assessment guide, lecturers are provided with a comprehensive and reliable package of support, which is vital when teaching large student cohorts. An Online Resource Centre accompanies the textbook and includes: For Students: Additional questions and exercises (including questions covering higher level material) Flashcard glossary of key terms from the book For Lecturers: Fully integrated and customisable PowerPoint slides Question pack plus solutions Assessment guide
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The third edition of The Process of Economic Development offers a thorough and up-to-date presentation of development economics. This landmark text will continue to be an invaluable resource for students, teachers and researchers in the fields of development economics and development studies.

Much has happened in the developing world since the appearance of the second edition in 2002. The period has seen remarkable growth rates in countries such as China and India, the accession of a number of post-communist economies to the European Union, financial crisis in Argentina and continuing desperate poverty in many African countries. This third edition reflects these developments and includes new material on the following:

  • national systems of innovation including information technology in India
  • the ongoing impact of globalization
  • the continuing programmes of foreign aid across all developing countries.

Cypher and Dietz's text is the development economics text par excellence as it takes a much more practical, hands-on view of the issues facing developing countries than its overly mathematical rivals. It will appeal to all those studying this important subject area.

James M. Cypher is Research Professor, Doctoral Program in Development Studies, Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Mexico. James L. Dietz is Professor at the Department of Economics at California State University, Fullerton, USA.
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Write a killer CV and land your dream job.

It takes an employer just seven seconds to save or reject a job applicants CV. In this book, James Reed  chairman of REED, Britains largest recruitment company  offers invaluable and specific advice on what employers want to see in the CVs they receive and how you can stand out from the crowd.

Unlike other career development books, the honest advice presented here has been compiled from one-to-one interviews, surveys and countrywide workshops across REEDs network of recruitment consultants. This book is an accessible and enjoyable read, intensely practical and packed with pull-out quotes, layout examples and tips.

Find out what future employers are looking for and take the first step to start loving Mondays again.

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The second edition of this reference provides a comprehensive and in depth review of the basic science of toxicology, its specializations, and the application of toxicological knowledge, and can be used both as a text for educational purposes and as a reference work. This edition is a three volume set, containing contributions from 160 international experts, it includes a separate Subject and Chemical indexes for ease of reference. All previous chapters have been thoroughly revised and updated. The number of parts has been increased from seven to ten; the new parts are devoted to environmental toxicology, special groups of substances, and issues relevant to the practice of toxicology (such as industrial hygiene, epidemiology, occupational medicine). The second edition contains new chapters on current concepts in cellular and molecular toxicology; apoptosis; biological rhythms; toxicogenetics; interspecies; differences and extrapolation; mixed routes of exposure; animal welfare; neurobehavioral toxicology; respiratory sensitization; placental toxicology; occupational toxicology and hazard evaluation; risk assessment; environmental intolerances; medical devices; terrorism; biomarkers; education; legal considerations; harmonization; biotechnology; toxicology of special groups of substances (xenobiotics and toxins).
BRYAN BALLANTYNE MD, DSc, PhD, FFOM, FACOM, FAACT, FATS, FRCPath, FIBiol is Director of Applied Toxicology at Union Carbide Corporation, Danbury, Connecticut, USA and Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at West Virginia University, USA. TIMOTHY MARRS MD, DSc, MRCP, FRCPath, FIBiol is Senior Medical Officer at Joint Food Safety and Standards Group, London, UK. TORE SYVERSEN MSc, DrPhil is Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway.
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Written by an experienced author and teacher of students with a wide range of abilities, ""Advanced Biology"" will spark interest and motivate A-Level students. Questions are presented in two styles, 'Quick Check' and 'Food for Thought', to give opportunities to practise both recall and analytical skills. 'Fact of Life' boxes on spreads also encourage discovery by providing interesting and thought-provoking aspects of biology. Key points are: important terms are highlighted; full colour illustrations; and graduated questions to practise recall and analytical skills.
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Written by two leading authorities in the area with over 50 years' combined experience of legal practice, A Practical Approach to Conveyancing continues to provide a detailed and accessible exposition of the key principles and procedures governing conveyancing transactions. Combining coverage of both residential and commercial conveyancing, the book guides the reader through the various stages of a typical conveyancing transaction and provides highly practical guidance on each stage, from first receiving instructions and undertaking pre-contract searches and enquiries right through to completion, enabling the reader to approach all aspects of a conveyancing transaction with confidence in practice. The pragmatic nature of the book is enhanced by the inclusion of relevant sample documentation, clauses and forms throughout, ensuring that the reader is familiar with the documentation they will encounter in practice. Key point summaries and practical checklists provide additional learning support and can be used to quickly identify the essential points relating to individual subject areas. Now in its fourteenth edition, the book has firmly established itself as a core text on the Legal Practice Course for those seeking to provide their students with a highly practical and applied overview of property law and practice. This classic text is also essential reading for anyone involved in the conveyancing process, including trainee and qualified solicitors, legal executives and licensed conveyancers. Online resources For students Additional appendices Specimen forms Example of compulsory clauses in registered leases Multiple choice questions Additional resources from Abbey & Richards: Property Law Handbook Links to key sites for practitioners in conveyancing For lecturers Figures from the book
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Today it is usually not long before a problem gets expressed as a human rights issue. An appeal to human rights in the face of injustice can be a heartfelt and morally justified demand for some, while for others it remains merely an empty slogan. Taking an international perspective and focusing on highly topical issues such as torture, arbitrary detention, privacy, health and discrimination, this Very Short Introduction will help readers to understand for themselves the controversies and complexities behind this vitally relevant issue. Looking at the philosophical justification for rights, the historical origins of human rights and how they are formed in law, Andrew Clapham explains what our human rights actually are, what they might be, and where the human rights movement is heading. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
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This supplement to the second edition of Insolvency in Private International Law covers the key developments in case law and legislation in the subject up to October 2006, and is an essential purchase for all who have already bought the main work. It includes the full text of the Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 2006, along with commentary on the regulations. The supplement also includes the text of Council Regulation 694/2006, amending EC Regulation 1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings, and references to key developments in case law, including Eurofood IFSC Ltd, Daisytek ISA, and Cambridge Gas Transport Corp v Official Committe of Unsecured Creditors of Navigator Holdings plc. The commentary on case developments links back to the relevant paragraph in the main work. The main work deals with the problems generated by those cases of insolvency (either of an individual or of a company) where the presence of contacts with more than one system of law brings into operation the principles and methods of private international law (also known as conflict of laws). Part I of the main work is mainly devoted to an examination of the body of rules and practice that has evolved in England during the course of the past two-and-a-half centuries, and surveys the current state of the law derived from a blend of statutory and case authorities. Contrasting approaches under a selection of foreign systems - principally Australia, Canada, France and the USA - are examined by way of comparison. There are up to date accounts of the circumstances under which insolvency proceedings can be opened in respect of debtors which are not primarily based in England, and of the grounds on which English courts will recognise foreign insolvency proceedings and give assistance to the foreign representative of the debtor's estate. Part II of the main work explores the progress towards the creation of international arrangements to co-ordinate and rationalise the conduct of insolvency proceedings which have cross-border features, particularly where the debtor is capable of being subjected to concurrent proceedings in two or more jurisdictions. Central to the developments described in detail in this Part are the EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings, in force throughout the UK since May 2002, and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, which was due for enactment in the UK. The main work of the second edition and the supplement are also available as a set (ISBN 9780199214952: £160)
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