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This unique pocket guide to endocrinology and diabetes has been fully revised for the new edition. Written in conjunction with the Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes, it covers clinical investigation and management of both common and rare conditions, and includes the protocols and explicit clinical information necessary for the management of individual patients with endocrine and diabetic disorders. The second edition includes new chapters on endocrine replacement therapies, complementary therapies and chronic fatigue, as well as the latest guidelines and information on new therapies. There are also expanded sections on paediatrics, thyroid disorders, and reproduction - including male and female HRT. Numerous diagrams are included to illustrate important conditions, and the revised design and layout aid quick reference with useful summary boxes. Fully reviewed by an expert panel of referees, ensuring that it continues to provide high-quality information of international standing, this is the indispensable companion for all those caring for patients with endocrine or diabetic problems.
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Animo is a new two-part Spanish course for AS and A2. Animo 1 is aimed at AS level and comprises a Students' Book, Teacher's Book, CDs and cassettes. Animo 2 is for A2 students and has the same components. This course provides a smooth transition from GCSE to A Level, with a diagnostic test to determine students' abilities, clear grammatical explanations and full practice and language learning strategies. The Animo Grammar Workbook is ideal for further practise and consolidation of all the key grammar required at AS and A2 level.
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Key features:
 Objectives at the beginning of each chapter aid planning, focus learning and confirm syllabus coverage
 Key terms are highlighted to develop students vocabulary throughout the course
 A wide variety of exercises develops students knowledge, application and ability in all areas of the syllabus
 Worked solutions throughout the text provide students with easy-to-follow examples of new concepts
 Graded excercises at the end of each section can be used to check students understanding and monitor progress
 Checklists and at-a-glance summaries at the end of each chapter encourage students to review their understanding and go back over areas of weakness
 Examination-style questions at the end of each module give students plenty of practice in the types of questions theyll meet in the examinations
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Web 2.0 makes headlines, but how does it make money? This concise guide explains what's different about Web 2.0 and how those differences can improve your company's bottom line. Whether you're an executive plotting the next move, a small business owner looking to expand, or an entrepreneur planning a startup, ""Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide"" illustrates through real-life examples how businesses, large and small, are creating new opportunities on today's Web. This book is about strategy. Rather than focus on the technology, the examples concentrate on its effect. You will learn that creating a Web 2.0 business, or integrating Web 2.0 strategies with your existing business, means creating places online where people like to come together to share what they think, see, and do. When people come together over the Web, the result can be much more than the sum of the parts. The customers themselves help build the site, as old-fashioned 'word of mouth' becomes hypergrowth.""Web 2.0 : A Strategy Guide"" demonstrates the power of this new paradigm by examining how: Flickr, a classic user-driven business, created value for itself by helping users create their own value; Google made money with a model based on free search, and changed the rules for doing business on the Web-opening opportunities you can take advantage of; social network effects can support a business-ever wonder how FaceBook grew so quickly?; and, businesses like Amazon tap into the Web as a source of indirect revenue, using creative new approaches to monetize the investments they've made in the Web. Written by Amy Shuen, an authority on Silicon Valley business models and innovation economics, ""Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide"" explains how to transform your business by looking at specific practices for integrating Web 2.0 with what you do. If you're executing business strategy and want to know how the Web is changing business, this book is for you.
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If you're serious about exam success, it's time to Concentrate! Criminal Law Concentrate is the essential study and revision guide for law students looking for extra marks. The clear, succinct coverage enables you to quickly grasp the fundamental principles of this area of law and helps you to succeed in exams. This guide has been rigorously reviewed and is endorsed by students and lecturers for level of coverage, accuracy, and exam advice. Packed with essential information, key cases, revision tips, exam q & as, and more, Criminal Law Concentrate is also supported by extensive online resources to take your learning further (http://www.oxfordtextbooks.co.uk/orc/concentrate): * Plan your revision using the printable topic overviews * Pinpoint which areas you need to concentrate on with the diagnostic test * Test your knowledge of criminal law with the multiple choice questions and receive feedback on your answers * Improve your essay skills using the outline answers for guidance on what to include and how to structure your answer * Revise the facts and discussions of key cases using the interactive flashcards * Understand your marks by using the sample question and answer annotated with examiner comments * Learn the important terms and definitions using the interactive glossary * Check that you have covered the main points of a topic using the key facts lists * Achieve better marks following the advice on revision and exam technique by experienced examiner Nigel Foster
Rebecca Huxley-Binns is Reader in Legal Education at Nottingham Trent University. She was awarded Law Teacher of the Year in 2010 and the HEA National Teaching Fellowship in 2012.
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The perennial bestseller returns with new details for using the latest tools and techniques available with JavaScript JavaScript is the definitive language for making the Web a dynamic, rich, interactive medium. This guide to JavaScript builds on the success of previous editions and introduces you to many new advances in JavaScript development. The reorganization of the chapters helps streamline your learning process while new examples provide you with updated JavaScript programming techniques. You'll get all-new coverage of Ajax for remote scripting, JavaScript frameworks, JavaScript and XML, and the latest features in modern Web browsers. Plus, all the featured code has been updated to ensure compliance with the most recent popular Web browsers. Introduces you to the latest capabilities of JavaScript, the definitive language for developing dynamic, rich, interactive Web sites Features new coverage of data types and variables, JavaScript and XML, Ajax for remote scripting, and popular JavaScript frameworks Offers updated code that ensures compliance with the most popular Web browsers Includes improved examples on the most up-to-date JavaScript programming techniques Continuing in the superlative tradition of the first three editions, Beginning JavaScript, Fourth Edition , gets you up to speed on all the new advances in JavaScript development. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Paul Wilton owns his own company, providing online booking systems to vacation property owners, which is largely developed using JavaScript. Jeremy McPeak is a self-taught programmer who began his career by tinkering with web sites in 1998. He is the coauthor of Professional Ajax, 2nd Edition and several online articles covering topics such as XSLT, ASP.NET Web Forms, and C#. He is currently employed at an energy-based company building in-house conventional and web applications.
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International Trade Law offers a comprehensive and informed analysis of the complexities of an international sale transaction through case law, policy documents, legislation, international conventions and rules adopted by international organisations such as the ICC. Focusing on international sales of goods and the various relations that arise as a result of sale contract, this book considers and discusses:

* standard trade terms, major conventions and principles

* issues relating to E-Commerce

* international transportation of cargo

* insurance and payment mechanisms

* dispute resolution

Accessible to students encountering this often challenging area of the law for the first time, International Trade Law clarifies a range of topics through tables and diagrams, and directs the reader to relevant further reading, online resources, and journal articles throughout.

University of Surrey, UK
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This is a logically self-contained introduction to analysis, suitable for students who have had two years of calculus. The book centers around those properties that have to do with uniform convergence and uniform limits in the context of differentiation and integration. Topics discussed include the classical test for convergence of series, Fourier series, polynomial approximation, the Poisson kernel, the construction of harmonic functions on the disc, ordinary differential equation, curve integrals, derivatives in vector spaces, multiple integrals, and others. In this second edition, the author has added a new chapter on locally integrable vector fields, has rewritten many sections and expanded others. There are new sections on heat kernels in the context of Dirac families and on the completion of normed vector spaces. A proof of the fundamental lemma of Lebesgue integration is included, in addition to many interesting exercises.
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This classic dictionary brings together over 500 nursery rhymes, songs, nonsense jingles, lullabies, and rhyming alphabets traditionally handed on to young children. All the items have been arranged alphabetically, from `A was an apple-pie' to `Yankee Doodle came to town' and include such favourites as `A frog he would a-wooing go', `Baa, baa, black sheep', `Dance to your daddy', `Jack and Jill', and `Old Mother Hubbard'. With each item comes a unique set of historical and bibliographical notes that record the earliest known publication of each piece, describe the circumstances of its origin, illustrate changes in wording over time, and indicate variations and parallels in other languages. In a detailed and fascinating introduction, the editors describe the different types of rhyme, the earliest published collections, theories of origins, and such questions as whether or not individual rhymes originally portrayed real people and who was Mother Goose. Complementing the rhymes are nearly a hundred illustrations, including reproductions of early appearances in ballad sheets and music books, which show the development of nursery rhyme illustrations over the last two centuries. For this revised edition, the notes have been updated and extended in the light of recent scholarship, providing an unrivalled wealth of literary and bibliographical information. There is also a new essay on the singing tradition of nursery rhymes by Cecily Raysor Hancock, making The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes an indispensable source of reference for scholars and book collectors, and a volume to be treasured by parents and children alike. 'No reader's imagination could fail to be enriched by this book' - Sunday Times 'The classic on the subject' - Daily Telegraph
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This popular course was fully revised to match the 2008 specifications, and can still be used with the 2016 specification. This Grammar Workbook and CD is ideal for improving students' listening and speaking skills and contains a variety of authentic listening activities, including interviews, reports, dialogues, and discussions.
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