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This is a practical, student focused text that gets students through a research project using a step by step approach. Containing a balance of theory and practice materials, the text has plenty of learning support and activity features, as well as short case study materials focused on how and why researchers have conducted investigations in the past. This book meets the needs of students of Health and Social Care, Sociology, Social Policy, and Psychology, and those doing a research project for the first time as part of an HND or similar course.
Mark Walsh is an experienced author of GNVQ textbooks and lead author Social Policy and Welfare. He is also a lecturer in Health, Care and Sociology and a senior mental health nurse.
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With over 11,000 authoritative and up-to-date entries, this best-selling dictionary covers all branches of psychology, including psychoanalysis, psychiatry, criminology, neuroscience, and statistics. It features comprehensive coverage of key areas, for example, cognition, sensation and perception, emotion and motivation, learning and skills, language, mental disorder, and research methods. Entries provide clear and concise definitions, word origins and derivations, and they are extensively cross-referenced for ease of use. In addition, over 80 illustrations complement the text. Detailed appendices follow the A-Z dictionary and include a list of 800 commonly used abbreviations and symbols, and a list of phobias and phobic stimuli with full definitions. Now containing an appendix of recommended web links, which are accessed and kept up to date via the Dictionary of Psychology website, this edition is loaded with more information than any other dictionary of its kind. A Dictionary of Psychology is an invaluable work of reference for students and teachers of psychology and related disciplines, professionals, and is ideally suited to anyone with an interest in the workings of the mind.
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The most wide-ranging, comprehensive, and up-to-date dictionary of archaeology available. Over 4,000 entries cover the terms encountered in academic and popular archaeological literature, in lectures, and on television. Topics covered include artefacts, techniques, terminology, people, sites, and periods, and specialist areas such as industrial and maritime archaeology. The second edition is fully revised and updated, now including 150 new entries on archaeological sites, terms, movements, and people, plus extended coverage of archaeological resource management and archaeological theory. The dictionary's primary focus is on Europe, the Old World, and the Americas, as these are the regions where archaeology has become an established academic and vocational subject, but it includes key archaeological sites around the world. A quick-reference section covers chronological periods around the world, Egyptian rulers and dynasties, Roman rulers and dynasties, rulers of England to AD 1066, and principal international conventions and recommendations. New to this edition, recommended web links for over 100 entries are updated on the Dictionary of Archaeology companion website.
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The Popular School dictionary has over 40, 000 words and phrases, with simple meanings and example phrases show how words are used. It includes words from the curriculum, international vocabulary and new words from ICT. It is ideal for quick word look-up at home.
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This is a fully bilingual dictionary of English and Spanish for intermediate learners. It is especially suitable for learners of English and includes over 60,000 words, phrases and examples. It offers good coverage of British English and American English and includes South American Spanish as well as Iberian Spanish. It includes headwords in colour to make it easier for learners to find what they need, and it has full-page colour pictures to teach related words. There are cultural notes and hundreds of new words from areas such as the Internet, entertainment and technology. It also includes a wealth of extra information to help learners: lists of irregular verbs; names of countries; 'false friends'; and examples of how to write different kinds of letters in formal and informal language.
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From the beginning, the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary was intended to be an abridgement of the full Oxford English Dictionary. The first editor, William Little, was appointed in 1902. He worked on it until his death in 1922, after which the dictionary was completed by H. W. Fowler, Jessie Coulson, and C. T. Onions. The First Edition was published in 1933, in two volumes. The Second Edition, published in 1936, contained about 3,000 revisions and additions. The Third Edition (1944) contained an appendix of addenda and corrigenda, and this edition was reprinted several times with corrections and additions, the most significant being in 1973, with enlarged addenda (now running to over 70 pages) and a major revision of all the etymologies. The New Shorter was prepared under the editorship of Lesley Brown 1980-1993. It was the first complete revision of the dictionary, being in fact not so much an overhaul of the existing text as a reabridgement of the OED and its Supplements. The Fifth Edition was published in 2002, and reverted to the name Shorter Oxford English Dictionary to emphasize the link between this 2-volume dictionary and the original 20-volume OED. The Sixth Edition of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary provides a complete update of this unique reference work. Based on the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary, the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary contains an incredible one-third of the coverage of the Oxford English Dictionary, is just one-tenth of the size, and includes all words in current English from 1700 to the present day, plus the vocabulary of Shakespeare, the Bible and other major works in English from before 1700. The new edition, with a new introductory essay by language expert David Crystal on the History of English, includes 2,500 new words and senses, plus thousands of antedatings of existing words, drawing on the huge ongoing research project for the Oxford English Dictionary and the wealth of information on language in use provided by the Oxford English Corpus. In addition, the work includes many new quotations from recent authors, a refreshed design, and a complete review of spelling forms and defining vocabulary, making it the most authoritative reference work available for both modern and historical English. For scholars and everyone with a serious interest in the English language, the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary is an unrivalled resource, providing a unique description of the historical development of the language together with excellent coverage of current English. The Sixth Edition showcases the best of the traditional strengths of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, while bringing it up to date in its scholarship and research, in the design and layout, and in its treatment of the changing face of English.
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The Oxford Children's Dictionary is illustrated in colour and aimed at readers at KS2, YR3-6 and P4-7 fo Scotland. *20,000 colour headwords *150 colour illustrations *Pronunciation guides for difficult words eg. guerrilla, ricochet *Information on word origins eg. rickshaw *No confusing abbreviations - word classes (parts of speech) and inflections written in full *Usage help to encourage accurate of language *Up-to-date example sentences and phrases show how words are used in context *Useful introduction and key on how to get the best out of the dictionary
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Imagine you had the opportunity to teach your marketing module from within the marketing department of a top company? This third edition of Marketing maintains the fresh and practice- focused approach for which it has become so popular, and continues to provide students with a truly unique insight into the fascinating world of a marketing practitioner through informative and engaging bespoke video interviews with those in the industry. - How did a youth engagement agency Livity use young people's affiliation for music to raise awareness of Childline? - What social media campaign did Virgin Media decide upon to promote superfast broadband? - How did BBH go about shifting reader perceptions of the Guardian newspaper? - Which message did Budweiser Budvar decide to develop in order to build strong emotional links with its customers? Fully integrated with the topics covered in the textbook, each practitioner interview demonstrates how marketing problems are approached and solved in the real world. Hear from an international mix of companies including Virgin Media, Orange, Bartle Bogle Hegarty, Brompton Bicycle, Oxfam, BrainJuicer, Budweiser Budvar in the Czech Republic, Systembolaget in Sweden, and RAK Bank in the UAE. Theory is firmly set in context for students through extensive use of integrated examples and mini cases within each chapter featuring companies such as twitter, itunes, and Red Bull, and covering marketing in a global context discussing Unilever operating in China, Nestle marketing in Malaysia, and a company selling halal meat in North London. Review and discussion questions conclude each chapter bringing together the themes discussed and encouraging students to engage with the material. Links to seminal papers throughout each chapter also present the opportunity to take this learning further, if desired. Employing their trademark lively writing style, the authors continue to encourage students to explore beyond the classical marketing perspectives, provoking them into thinking critically about how they would approach marketing issues. Students will learn the theory that supports those skills vital to successfully engaging with marketing across all areas of society, from dealing with sceptical consumers, selling products to the government, and deciding which pricing approach to adopt, through to the ethical implications of marketing to children, and being aware of how to use social networking sites to their advantage. Supporting both students and lecturers are the accompanying online resources: For lecturers: - Access exclusive video interviews of marketers from well-known organizations including Virgin Media and BBH to share with your students and help make marketing theory relevant to them - Save time by using the fantastic bank of additional resources including PowerPoint slides, comprehensive library of YouTube clips, test bank and tutorial activities to help support your teaching. For students: - Learn from the top recruitment professionals on the attributes they look for in graduates entering the workplace - Explore the latest developments in digital marketing and social media - Download our expert authors' podcasts to learn and revise on the go - Check you've really understood with a wealth of multiple choice questions, worksheets and activities
Paul Baines is Professor of Political Marketing and Programme Director MSc in Management, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University. He is author/co-author of more than a hundred published articles, book chapters and books, particularly on political marketing issues. Paul is an experienced author and editor whose publications include books on PR, marketing research, political marketing and strategy. Paul's marketing consultancy projects have included work for a variety of large public and private organisations including a high-profile football club, a large aerospace maintenance company, a national charity, an advertising agency, an awarding body, government departments, and a private jet start-up company. He operates his own strategic marketing / research consultancy, Baines Associates Limited. Twitter: @drpaulbaines Chris Fill is a Director of Fillassociates, who develop and deliver learning materials related to marketing and corporate communications. Formerly Principal Lecturer at the University of Portsmouth, Chris now works with a variety of private and not-for-profit organizations including several publishers. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing where he was the Senior Examiner for the marketing communications modules, and more recently the Professional Postgraduate Diploma, Managing Corporate Reputation. In addition to numerous papers published in a range of academic journals, he has written or contributed to over 40 books, including his market leading and internationally recognised textbook, Marketing Communications, now in its 7th edition.
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This best-selling dictionary has been fully revised by a team of computer specialists, making it the most up-to-date and authoritative guide to computing available. With expanded coverage of networking and databases, feature spreads on key topics, e.g. XML, and the addition of biographical entries, it is a comprehensive reference work encompassing all aspects of the subject. Containing over 6,500 entries -many new to this edition- it is as valuable for home and office users as it is indispensible for students of computing. Recommended web links for many entries, accessible via the Dictionary of Computing companion website, provide valuable further information. It also contains coverage of computer terms in industry, school, work, education, and the home, including the Internet, multimedia, networks and databases, and security. Terms are defined in a jargon-free and concise manner with helpful examples where relevant. This dictionary is suitable for anyone who uses computers, and is ideal for students of computing and the related fields of IT, maths, physics, media communications, electronic engineering, and natural sciences.
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