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Who's Your Daddy? And Other Stories

Item #: 9781845230777 
Philp, Geoffrey
Peepal Tree Press Ltd
Quantity Price
1 437.50

Whether set in the Jamaican past or the Miami present, whether dealing wittily with sexual errantry, inventively with manifestations of the uncanny (when Brother Belnavis tangles with a vampire), or disturbingly with teenage homophobia, Geoffrey Philp's second collection displays again the gold stamp of the born story-teller.

But beyond their capacity to engage and entertain the reader, these are the multi-layered stories of a perceptive and humane observer of contemporary life. In particular, an acute empathy with troubled childhoods and adolescence offers adult readers a rewarding reconnection with the turbulence of earlier selves.

There is great variety here  a lively mash-up of genres and styles. There are stories that work with quietly understated stealth  casual talk around a game of dominoes in 'Beeline Against Babylon' reveals a deep undercurrent of affection between father and son  and stories that have a ragga boldness and laugh-out-loud inventiveness, but throughout them all there runs the signature of an engaging personal voice.

Geoffrey Philp was born in Jamaica. He now lives and works in Miami.