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Macmillan Caribbean Writers: Walking

Item #: 9781405067812 
Stone, Judy, et al
Macmillan Education
Quantity Price
1 262.50
Little Josephine was so afraid of Sister Angelica that whenever the two came face to face, little Jo would almost certainly have an embarrassing accident. Her teacher disliked Jo, everyone teased her, no-one wanted to be her friend. Teenage Josephine wasn't afraid of anyone, and she had more friends than she knew what to do with. She had discovered her sexual attraction. Her popularity with the boys soared, while her exam grades plummeted. But Jo still wasn't happy. Grown up Josephine still had a thorny path to tread. Her job brought her into contact with real poverty and obeah, her marriage exposed her to the trauma of a forced abortion, her health was prey to anxiety attacks and diabetes. Not until she found success in creative expression was Josephine able to overcome her subconscious fears and commit to happiness.