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Bright Ideas Jamaica Grade 6 Student's Book & CD Rom

Item #: 9780230448704 
Glover, David
Series Title
Bright Ideas Jamaica
Macmillan Education
Quantity Price
1 3608.00
Key features:

 The structure of the books follows the Jamaican Primary Science syllabus unit-by-unit to provide comprehensive coverage
 Relevant learning objectives from the Jamaican Primary Science syllabus are clearly stated at the start of each lesson to ensure every objective is covered
 Syllabus 'Focus Questions' are highlighted on every page
 End-of-unit and end-of-year tests to prepare students for their GSAT Science examination
 Practical activities using everyday materials
 Suggestions for group work to promote interactive learning
 Review exercises to check progress
 Internet links to promote independent research

Supporting Materials:

 Accompanying interactive CD-ROMs allow students to develop their understanding in the classroom and at home using games and experiments.
 Workbooks complement the Student's Books for each level of the course. The content is structured in lesson-sized topics clearly linked to the Students Books with additional assessment material.
 Accompanying Teachers Books offer background information, extension activities and teaching notes on catering for mixed-ability classes.