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Entrepreneurship and New Venture Management

Item #: 9780195997460 
Edited by
van Aardt, et al
Oxford University Press Southern Africa
Edition Statement
4th edition
Quantity Price
1 1875.00
Entrepreneurship and New Venture Management explains the aspects that should be considered when starting a new business venture, both in terms of the theoretical framework and practical examples. It covers types of entrepreneurship; identifying and implementing business opportunities; planning and managing the business in terms of finance, marketing and operations, and business plans. Managing growth in a business, ethical and social responsibilities, and legal aspects affecting ventures are also explained.
Isa van Aardt is a researcher in the Bureau of Market Research at the University of South Africa. Magda Hewitt is a senior lecturer in the Department of Entrepreneurship at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Jaco Van Der Bank is a Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of South Africa (UNISA) in Pretoria, South Africa. Stefan Bezuidenhout is a lecturer in the Department of Accounting at the University of Pretoria. Thea Visser is a senior lecturer in the Department of Business Management at the University of South Africa. Carel van Aardt is a professor and research director at the University of South Africa's Bureau of Market Research. Hanneli Bendeman is a lecturer at the University of Pretoria in the Department of Sociology.