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Jojo is back and excited to explore his world with Fuzzy Rabbit. Venturing from room to room and out to the garden, Jojo is always cheerful even when his toast lands on the floor and especially when he reads his special book with Fuzzy Rabbit. These 6 mini board books make it simple for children to follow along with a small Jojo on his adventures and the innovative box easily becomes an interactive toy house with small Jojo to play with!
Though initially trained as a set designer, Xavier Deneux has applied a life-long passion for children's development into more than one hundred books, including the Handprint/Chronicle TouchThinkLearn series. He lives in Paris, France.
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Rapunzel tells the story of the young princess locked up in the tower who lets down her hair to her rescuer, the prince. This story is retold for young children bu Judy Hamilton, a writer for children.
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A pretty stork meets a handsome fox at a party and they dance all night. At the end, the fox invites the stork to his house, and to eat the soup he provides in a bowl, which the fox can eat easily but the stork cannot drink with her beak. The stork returns the favour, and invites the fox to eat at her house, but the fox gets an unpleasant surprise when the stork treats the fox as he treated her. This moral tale has been around since the Middle Ages, and teaches the golden rule of conduct - to do to others what one would wish for oneself. The Tarantula Tales are much-loved traditional fairy tales and fables, retold for today with friendly and humorous illustrations, for any time and bedtime. The series is ideal for reading aloud and sharing with 2-4 year olds, and perfect for new readers to tackle alone.
Judy Hamilton is a writer with three children. She has written many books for children.
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The Gingerbread Man re-tells the traditional story of the woman who loves baking so much she makes a gingerbread man, one day, after making some gingerbread. But once he out of the oven, the gingerbread man comes to life and runs off into the town, where many people chase him until he meets a fox...You need to read the book to find out what happens next. The Tarantula Tales are much-loved traditional fairy tales and fables, retold for today with friendly and humorous illustrations, for any time and bedtime. The series is ideal for reading aloud and sharing with 2-4 year olds, and perfect for new readers to tackle alone.
Judy Hamilton is a writer and has three children.
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Snow White lives with her father and stepmother, the queen. Everyone loves Snow White, and the stepmother is jealous of her. Every day the stepmother asks her magic mirror, 'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?' and the magic mirror tells her she is the fairest of them all. But one day when the stepmother looks into her magic mirror, the mirror says there is a fairer one than she, and the queen knows it is Snow White. In a rage, the queen orders a huntsman to kill Snow White, and to bring her the heart. However, the huntsman takes Snow White into the woods to hide and brings instead the heart of a deer to the queen. Meanwhile, Snow White finds a sweet little house, and once she has tidied it up, and found seven pairs of little shoes, and seven little pickaxes, Snow White falls asleep. She wakes up to find seven dwarfs staring at her. The seven dwarfs are very friendly to Snow White, and she stays on as housekeeper for them. The house is full of laughter. But back at the palace, the queen is staring at her magic mirror, and the clever mirror tells her Snow White is living in the forest. The bad queen now dresses up as an ugly old woman, and knocks on the door at the dwarfs' house. Snow White opens the door, and unknowingly takes a bite from a rosy red apple that the old woman offers her; the apple is poisoned. Snow White falls into a deep sleep and is placed into a glass coffin, and the dwarfs chase the queen, who falls to her death. But don't worry - Snow White's life is about to change, as a prince is about to pass by. This famous fairytale is German in origin and was published by the Brothers Grimm. The story was made famous by the first animated film from Walt Disney in December 1937 who named the dwarfs. An earlier version by Grimm told it as the king's wife, Snow White's mother who was jealous of Snow White, but the story was changed to make it a stepmother, to tone it down for children. There are similar older fairytales in history in Russia, Albania and Armenia. The Tarantula Tales are much-loved traditional fairy tales and fables, retold for today with friendly and humorous illustrations, for any time and bedtime. The series is ideal for reading aloud and sharing with 2-4 year olds, and perfect for new readers to tackle alone.
Judy Hamilton is a writer with three children.
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A long time ago, in a country far away, there once lived a very vain emperor who liked to spend a lot of his people's money clothes for himself, and to preen, and to look his best. One day two men arrived who told the emperor they were tailors. The men ordered the best fabric, which they kept for themselves, to sell in a market, and instead they pretended to weave and make new clothes for the emperor. These rogues tricked the emperor into believing he had new clothes - which he wore in a great procession in front of his people. It was only the courage of a little boy who drew everyone's attention to the truth...This story is retold from a Hans Christian Andersen story. The Tarantula Tales are much-loved traditional fairy tales and fables, retold for today with friendly and humorous illustrations, for any time and bedtime. The series is ideal for reading aloud and sharing with 2-4 year olds, and perfect for new readers to tackle alone.
Judy Hamilton is a writer and mother of three children.
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