Trusted by over 300,000 students in over 120 countries, The Globalization of World Politics is the most authoritative and complete introduction to IR available, making it the go-to text for students of international relations. Now in its sixth edition, this internationally successful textbook has been fully revised and updated in light of recent developments in world politics, featuring 35 new international case studies including: the BRICs, Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Sudanese civil war, drones, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, rise of China, Occupy movement, and Syrian Revolution. A new chapter by Andrew Hurrell on rising powers and the emerging global order ensures the text continues to cover topics that will be defining the issues now and for the next generation. The unique line-up of expert contributors introduces students to the very best work within history, theory, structures, and key issues in international relations, providing a launch-pad for those who choose to progress with their IR studies. Students and lecturers are further supported by a well-resourced Online Resource Centre with the following features: Student resources: Mind maps NEW TO THIS EDITION Case studies MORE ADDED Video podcasts from the contributors NEW TO THIS EDITION Interactive library of links to journal articles, blogs and video content Flash card glossary Multiple choice questions Revision guide Instructor Resources: Case studies MORE ADDED Test bank Question bank PowerPoint slides REVISED Figures and tables from the book
John Baylis is Emeritus Professor and was formerly Head of the Department of Politics and International Relations and Pro-Vice Chancellor of Swansea University. Prior to that he was Professor of International Politics and Dean of Social Sciences at Aberystwyth University. He has published more than twenty books and over a hundred articles on aspects of strategic studies, nuclear history and international relations. His latest book is Strategy in the Contemporary World, 4th Edition, with James J Wirtz and Colin S. Gray (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012). He is an elected Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. Sir Steve Smith is Vice-Chancellor of the University of Exeter. He was President of Universities UK from 2009 to 2011. He has held professorships of International Relations at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth and the University of East Anglia, and has also taught at the State University of New York (Albany) and Huddersfield Polytechnic. He was President of the International Studies Association for 2003-4, and was elected to be an Academician of the Social Sciences (AcSS) in 2000. He is the author or editor of seventeen books, the most recent of which are (edited with Tim Dunne and Milja Kurki), International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity (Oxford University Press, 2nd edn, 2010), and (edited with Tim Dunne and Amelia Hadfield), Foreign Policy: Theories, Actors, Cases (Oxford University Press, 2nd edition 2012), and of some 100 academic papers and chapters in major international journals and edited collections. Patricia Owens is Reader in the Department of International Relations, University of Sussex. She has been a Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, Visiting Professor at UCLA and held research positions at UC-Berkeley, Princeton, University of Southern California, and Oxford University (where she received a teaching award). She holds graduate degrees from Cambridge and Aberystwyth, is author of Between War and Politics: International Relations and the Thought of Hannah Arendt (Oxford University Press, 2007) and is currently co-editor of European Journal of International Relations.
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The fourth edition of this popular text is a sophisticated and authoritative introduction to the field of global political economy that combines history and theoretical approaches with contemporary issues and debates. International experts have updated the new edition to include material on the on-going financial crisis, evaluating the prospects for larger developing economies, with a particular focus on the BRICs, and exploring the crises in global governance. Students are supported in their studies by features including boxes with additional information on key topics and end of chapter questions, and are encouraged to take their interest in the subject beyond the textbook through further reading sections and web links. An Online Resource Centre provides further additional material, and includes: Student resources: Flashcard glossary Timeline Web links Instructor resources: PowerPoint slides Figures and tables from the book
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This major new textbook introduces students to the dynamic and evolving field of foreign policy. The book opens with a consideration of different theoretical and historical perspectives; it then focuses on a range of actors and the goals they seek to advance; and it ends with a series of case studies involving issues and crises relating to a wide range of different countries Foreign Policy: Theories, Actors, Cases is timely given the growing significance of foreign policy in the post-9/11 world. It will be essential reading for all students new to foreign policy. The book is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre. Student resources: Timeline Web links Flashcard glossary Instructor resources: Three case studies PowerPoint slides
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Governing American communities becomes ever more challenging in the contemporary political and economic environment. People in communities seek to exercise local control of public programs as they confront powerful special interests and public demands for a smaller, more responsive public sector. Furthermore, they contend with an entrenched traditional view of public professionals as experts who control public agencies and provide services. Drawing on fundamental ideas about the relationship of citizens to the public sphere, Richard C. Box presents a model of ""citizen governance."" Recognizing the challenges in the community governance setting, he advocates rethinking the structure of local government and the roles of citizens, elected officials, and public professionals in the 21st century. His model shifts a large part of the responsibility for local public policy from the professional and the elected official to the citizen. Citizens take part directly in creating and implementing policy, elected officials coordinate the policy process, and public professionals facilitate citizen discourse, offering the knowledge of public practice needed for successful ""citizen governance.
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The Plan offers a bold vision of what America can be. It shows the way for both parties to move beyond the old political arguments and make progress for the American people. And it offers an innovative agenda for America - with ideas that address the nations most pressing challenges by doing more for Americans and asking Americans to do more for their country in return. Each of these ideas offers a clean break with the status quo, yet all are positive, practical, and can be put into action right away. Built on the authors firm beliefs that politicians owe the people real answers, that citizenship is a responsibility, not an entitlement program, and that the Democratic Party succeeds when America succeeds, the highly anticipated Plan delivers, challenges, and inspires.
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'Alex Renton has done Britain a favour and written a brutally honest book about his family's involvement with slavery. Blood Legacy could change our frequently defensive national conversation about slavery/race' Sathnam Sanghera

'Utterly gripped - An incredible book. Alex's work is my book in practice' Emma Dabiri

Through the story of his own family's history as slave and plantation owners, Alex Renton looks at how we owe it to the present to understand the legacy of the past. When British Caribbean slavery was abolished across most of the British Empire in 1833, it was not the newly liberated who received compensation, but the tens of thousands of enslavers who were paid millions of pounds in government money. The descendants of some of those slave owners are among the wealthiest and most powerful people in Britain today.

A group of Caribbean countries is calling on ten European nations to discuss the payment of trillions of dollars for the damage done by transatlantic slavery and its continuing legacy. Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter and other activist groups are causing increasing numbers of white people to reflect on how this history of abuse and exploitation has benefited them.

Blood Legacy explores what inheritance - political, economic, moral and spiritual - has been passed to the descendants of the slave owners and the descendants of the enslaved. He also asks, crucially, how the former - himself among them - can begin to make reparations for the past.


Alex Renton is a journalist who has won awards for his work as an investigator, war correspondent and food policy writer. He has also worked for Oxfam, in East Asia, Haiti and on the Iraq war. Most recently he has been a columnist on the Times and a correspondent for Newsweek magazine. He lives in Edinburgh with his family.

@axrenton |

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Grenada: Revolution and Invasion is a wide-ranging collection of essays by academics in the Caribbean, the United Kingdom and the United States, each with a unique perspective on the revolution and its effects.
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